How much role does social media play in google rankings?

Social Links May or May Not Boost Your Search Rank - this is not my saying but from kissmetric which is a very reliable source well known in industry.

Here is link go and read the whole paragraph -

Thank you for the link. I have read the paragraph, and it does not provide any firm evidence to back up the view that social links can boost your search ranking. It refers to the Matt Cutts video, which I linked to above, where he states quite clearly that Google does not use social signals for ranking.

The paragraph goes on:

This leads me to think that while the authority of a social account doesn’t impact search rank, links published on social media could be marked as credible back-links and thus influence a page’s rank.

As stated already, most social media links are nofollow, and Google are quite clear that they ignore nofollow links and do not use them in ranking.

The paragraph ends with

Takeaways: When Cutts made his statement about Google not factoring in social signals I understood him to mean clues about a particular company’s authority on social media, which, for me, is distinct from the number of times a page has been linked to on social media. Further research didn’t help me get much clarity on this point.

If there are any SEO experts reading this, I’d love for you to chime in below in the comments.

That’s honest - but it’s not an authoritative source. It’s somebody struggling with the same question we’re debating here.

My take on the 2010 video (5 years old, so much may have changed since) is that as long as the social page can be crawled Google will treat it as it does any other page in terms of how it deals with links - with the possible exception that “who the page belongs to” may be a factor.

BUT, and this is what is often missed or ignored, that the number of likes / followers is not a factor

As for “authoritative experts”, it seems most confuse correlation with causation

Reminds me of the story:

The Buddha then speaks the following verse:

O how they cling and wrangle, some who claim
For preacher and monk the honored name!
For, quarreling, each to his view they cling.
Such folk see only one side of a thing.

The above comment its an individual opinion.

I want to know how far below source is reliable & helpful
source :

Google and Bing use data from social sites in order to determine how high to rank your website. source :

IMHO, not much
As I posted previously

i.e “I did A, B, C and X, Y, Z happened. Therefore doing A, B, C caused X, Y, Z to happen”
That’s as faulty logic as
“Fred smoked 5 packs a day and drank a fifth of scotch every day and lived to be 93. The day after he first ate haggis, he died. Therefore smoking 5 packs a day and drinking a fifth of scotch a day will make you live longer, but eating haggis will kill you.”

Find me a Google or Bing resource and my opinion will be swayed.

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This thread is specifically about whether or not Google uses social media signals for ranking, so I’m leaving aside the question of other search engines. (Feel free to start a new thread, if you want to discuss that.)

You have linked to a January 2014 article from Neil Patel, which offers his opinion that Google does use social media signals in ranking. He produces apparent evidence to support this, but as both @jeffreylees and @Mittineague have already explained, there is a confusion here between cause and effect. From the evidence provided, you cannot say for certain that social signals are being used.

I have linked to a January 2014 video from Matt Cutts, in which he states that Google does not use social signals in ranking a page. He works for Google. He’s in a position to know what Google does and does not do, and he has nothing to gain by deception.

I know which of these two I would rely upon as an authoritative source.


Let forget the Dofollow and nofollow links DO you agree that Google count Atleast +1s and not other metrci for social media ranking factor in seo???

I can find no firm information either way on this.

When the +1 button was introduced in 2011, Google stated it would be used in “social search”. So if somebody in your circle had recommended a relevant page, it would show up in your search results with that +1 visible to you (as long as you were logged in).

As far as I can recall, this was a pretty short-lived experiment. Google removed the +1 data from WebMaster Tools after a fairly short period, and in a quick search of Search Console Help, I could find no information more recent than 2011.

So my feeling would be that if this information is used at all, it’s a very unimportant metric among the 200+ metrics which Google states it uses. I would be interested in seeing something definite from Google on the subject.

Yeah you are right, the aggesion against Google was there but still they use personal and non personla search I can see it in right corner of the search page result.

If you’re referring to the fact that information from Google Places for Business (including the Google + page) appears in the search results, then that is true - but do you have any proof that the existence of that page, and activity on it, is in any way influencing the search results? Or is it simply that when the top results have a Places for Business listing, then that information is also shown?

I don’t want to divert the thread but does google analytics on your site play any part in rankings? I.E by having GA it will know where your site traffic is coming from e.g. social media pages and other information like how long the person stayed on your page etc. I don’t know how clever the google algorithms are but it would seem logical to me that if you have links from social media and the users are staying on the pages for a long time then it is likely that the link is more trustworthy than one with a high bounce rate/short time on page.

I have no idea whether google uses GA in it’s rankings though.



cool thanks for the video link.

I’ll still always add it in though and have my sites on webmaster tools etc just on the off chance something changes :wink:

social media paid a major role in ranking Google notice when a blog/website getting traffic from social networks

Can you show any evidence from an authentic Google source to back this claim up?


And how do you think Google does this? Not through Analytics, as explained above, so how would Google know how much traffic a site is getting, or where it’s coming from?