How extract arrays from array depend on values

My array is

$arr = array(
'global' => array(
    array('tabs', 'tabs', 'tabs', array(
        'Main' => 'main',
        'Gallery' => 'galleryID',
        'mera' => 'mera',

    array('main','div',  'div'),
    array('egice', 'Eice', 'text', '', ''),
    array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'),

    array('galleryID','div',  'div'),
    array('gallery', 'Gallery #1', 'image', '', ''),
    array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'),

    array('networking', 'div', 'div'),
    array('siLype', 'SiLype', 'text', '', ''),
    array('gpXCge', 'GpXCge',  'toggle_button', '1', 'Yes', 'No', ''),
    array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'),

    array('mera', 'div', 'div'),
    array('maimera', 'Maimera', 'repeatedText', 'resYI', 'GYL',''),
    array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'),

    array( 'moures','div', 'div'),
    array('meLmo', 'MeLmo', 'text', '', ''),
    array('cYSlot', 'CYSlot', 'text', '', ''),
    array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'),

    array('clT', 'clT', 'clT'),



How can I separate it to multiple array when value is “div” close the array and generate a new one .
I had tried here to do it but I can’t
Could you help?

Perhaps you could show what you want to end up with, it’s not all that clear (to me at least).

Thanks, simply I want to separate the array into 4 arrays
when array has value == div begin new array to be into

$arr1 =  array(array('main','div',  'div'),
    array('egice', 'Eice', 'text', '', ''),
    array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'));

$arr2 = array( array('galleryID','div',  'div'),
    array('gallery', 'Gallery #1', 'image', '', ''),
    array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'),);

$arr3= array(    array('mera', 'div', 'div'),
    array('maimera', 'Maimera', 'repeatedText', 'resYI', 'GYL',''),
    array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'));

$arr4= array( array('networking', 'div', 'div'),
    array('siLype', 'SiLype', 'text', '', ''),
    array('gpXCge', 'GpXCge',  'toggle_button', '1', 'Yes', 'No', ''),
    array('closeHere', 'closeHere', 'closeHere'));

What is the real problem you are trying to solve with this code? Tell us the high level overview of what you have going on.

Simply, I want to split the main array to multiple arrays
extract new Array if “div” value found

That is not what I asked you. You are asking about your attempted solution to a problem. I want to know what the actual problem is. Your post is what is known as an XY Problem.

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