How do you manage your own framework / library across multiple sites / applications?

When you have done the hard work you should have made a fortune of PHP code base / framework / library that you build upon.

You will have more than one projects, sites, or applications that rely upon the same framework you have. What makes it tricky is the different projects are served from different servers far away from each other.

My question is how you manage the same framework across multiple servers?

When a security patch or feature upgrade comes out, how do you push it out to so many servers?

Is there any recommended common practice regarding this?

For now all my projects reside on a single server which would simply include from the framework on the hard drive. But what if my projects go distributed?

I just can’t imagine updating the framework manually one by one across all the different servers once I have more than one server.

Any help would be much appreciated! What route should I look at?

A lot depends upon the PHP Framework.

The PHP CodeIgniter Framework started February 28, 2006 and updates are relatively simple:

  1. download latest ZIP update
  2. extract to folder “CI_Latest_Version”
  3. FTP to server
  4. change following line in index.php
    $system_path = ‘CI_Latest_Version/system’;

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each project :frowning:

Any problems then rollback:
$system_path = ‘CI_Previous_Version/system’;

I just can’t imagine updating the framework manually one by one across all the different servers once I have more than one server.

I am looking forward to possible solutions to update multiple servers.

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