How do you deal with procrastination

I would thank you but that :stuck_out_tongue: got me a bit suspicious :smiley:

Awww! Thank me! I demand a thank you! Grr! :mad: I kid! :lol: I wasnā€™t sure whether to put that emoticon there actuallyā€¦I donā€™t know why I did. I have a small addiction to using them now in almost all my posts! So forget it was ever there andā€¦

-taps fingers on desk-

ā€¦Yup. Youā€™re welcome! xD

Andrew Cooper

Yeah Yeah Andrewā€¦ sureā€¦ You werenā€™t sure if you wanted to put the emoticon or notā€¦ there were no second intentions behind :smiley:

:eek: Jeez molona what is this?! I try and be nice and give you a friendly hug and youā€™re making these snide insinuations?! :eek: I shall take my hugs elsewhere in the future then! Andā€¦Andā€¦:stuck_out_tongue: HA! I did it again!

But on topic - Why arenā€™t we doing some work? Iā€™ve got plenty of work to doā€¦Iā€™m just procrastinating again! Tsk tsk! And what about you eh?

And Iā€™m so concerned about you being depressed reading this thread that Iā€™m going to give you a gentle push outta the thread for your own wellbeing! How nice am I eh?! :smiley:

Andrew Cooper

Very nice! Yes, I knowā€¦ I am doing it againā€¦ and I want to cry even more :bawling:

I swear there are no hours in the day to do all I have to doā€¦ and where am I? here! :bawling: :bawling: and :bawling: x 3

I meant 500-800 wordsā€¦but yes itā€™s quite possible considering I did it (I even took breaks to get some nice tall cold glasses of Apple Juice ;))

Awww youā€™re making me feel really bad with all that crying! :eek: -Hugs without the emoticon-

Thereā€™s never enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be doneā€¦But I guess you could look at it in a different way, in that whatever you get done today is what you really needed to do on that day and anything else wasnā€™t really part of what you said you needed to do!

It doesnā€™t help being in here babbling on either eh! Tommorow is a fresh new week! Letā€™s try and ensure that we all sieze the day and make it a productive one! :slight_smile:

Andrew Cooper

-Phew- You mean the 500 - 800 words is quite possible or the 500 - 800 pages is quite possible? 500 - 800 words in under an hour is a piece of cake! I was just getting worriedā€¦Wellā€¦Almost crapping myself that someone could do 500 - 800 pages in that timeframeā€¦I was likeā€¦:frowning: Heh.

Andrew Cooper

Ok. Iā€™ll cry no more snif snif I donā€™t want you to feel bad snif snif Iā€™ll go and procrastinate some more thoughā€¦ going to sleep :smiley:

In 50 years, do you think you will regret you didnā€™t do what you had to do today? If not, then itā€™s not important enough to stress about it. If yes, then youā€™ve 50 years left to do it.


I told myself a while ago that I should write and comment on this threadā€¦ :slight_smile:

And yes, ā€œMotivated Procrastinatorā€ has been my label for a looong time.

I simply manage to do all my job on time. But sometime it become stressful so i divide the work into parts and complete thatā€¦simple