How do you prefer to create database objects (i.e. tables, queries, etc.) in MySQL?
Back in my dark days as an MS Access Developer, I just used Access’s nifty wizards and friendly Developer GUI to build things.
And back in college in an Oracle class, I seem to remember that we wrote all the SQL for our databases, and then put it in “.sql” files and ran it in SQL*Plus.
I think I’d like to do something more like the latter than the former.
One goal in building my own e-commerce site is LEARNING!!
And becoming too dependent on IDE’s and CASE tools takes away from the learning experience.
Is there a way to write my DCL, DDL, and DML and place them in files/scripts that I can then run?
I already know that you can create SQL in a text editor, but what I am uncertain of is…
1.) Do you name the file with a particular extension so it works for MySQL?
Maybe I would write SQL to build several tables. So there would be several separate DDL statements that I want to collectively group together in one file.
2.) What are my options to then run said file?
As mentioned before, I vaguely remember in an Oracle class I took, that we wrote several SQL statements, saved them in a MyScripts.sql file and then used SQL*Plus to run the script.
I guess you need MySQL “client” to do something similar?