How do I speed up my site in Mozilla firefox?

This is my site

Due to some reason, its very laggy and slow in Mozilla firefox. It works in fine in chrome though.

I have used WP Smush to reduce image file sizes and Varnish HTTP Purge to clear cache and purge the posts and pages.

I have tried W3 Total Cache in the past but then removed it from my site, since it uses CDN and it was messing with the whole site.

So, any suggestions to improve the site on Mozilla firefox, would be great.

I had a quick look at your home page, using the Web Developer Toolbar in Firefox.

With a page that size, I’m more astonished that it loads OK in Chrome than surprised it takes an age in Firefox.

Why on earth do you need 28 style sheets and 44 scripts for one page? If you at least combine some of those, so that you’re making fewer requests to the server, that might help a little, but the real issue, I’d say, is with 361 images.

You have 500px square images scaled down to 75px on that page. Optimise those images and reduce the size to save on bandwidth.


Check out your internet connection it may also slow down your website and always clear cache files and history from browser.Sometimes when we attach large files pdf/doc in our website it also creates website slow.So keeping in mind all the factors check out your website deeply.

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