How do I solve website page title error?

That might work, but Google can change your page title in any way it chooses; reversing phrases is not the only way. As I said, there are very many sites using that phrase in their page titles, so I would advise you to find something more useful and descriptive to make your site stand out. Of course everybody thinks their own business is “the best”, so seeing that in a page title really means nothing to a potential client. “Clinic with 5 years experience” or “Award-winning clinic” would be more compelling (provided, of course, that the claims are true and you can substantiate them).

You need to make your site stand out from the competition, not make it look exactly the same.

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Thanks for your expert advice, but still finding the best solution.


That video, @TechnoBear, is a fantastic “crash course” in how Google search works.
It highlights the important fact that Google has a responsibility to return valuable RESULTS of a users search. And NOT a responsibility to serve up any trash that happens to be [attempting to be] clever and manipulate the system.
There is no shortcut to appearing in the search results. And anyone who claims to be able to control that is lying. Not even an employee of Google could manipulate the results to favor any single page (or group of pages).

I have become increasingly annoyed and irritated by the numerous Claims, Questions and Scams to “Game The System”


I find it sad that many interpret “Optimization” to mean “manipulation”

The reality is that optimization is making it easy for search engines to know what the site / page is about so the search engines can do their thing and give their users the best results for what they are searching for.


This linked article describes exactly why Google did what it did. A careful read will grasp what Google is looking for AND indicate why Google does what it does.

Basically, it wants to change the KEYWORDS you are using as a BRAND NAME to better indicate that those keywords are a BRAND (and not keywords).