How do I remove the jumping effect?

This is my site

Kindly, check the attachment to understand which part of the site I am talking about.

I have tried implementing z-index to remove the jumping effect, but no success.

I think I choosing wrong class. Please help me out. Thanks.

It is the addition of the 2px border on hover that is causing this. I thought the box-sizing would take care of that, but it does not.
Try adding an invisible 2px border to the non-hovered .nm > li, either `transparent or the background colour.

Another issue, the “Classic Hits” at the top is obscuring part of the menu.

Thanks for replying back.

I am sorry. I am kinda newbie, don’t know much around.

Can you please tell me how to implement what you just suggested. Thanks.

It worked mate. Thanks again.

In the file 4fm.css at line 151 is the selector for .nm > li add a border to that to match the size of the hover border (.mn > li:hover)

border: 2px solid transparent;

Looks like you got it.

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