How do I make the colour of x1 the same as x2

As it displays as 100% but the bars is not fully colored.
The bar should be fully colored when its 100% the x1 is not equal to x2
Can anyone give me a solution for if the bar is 100% the bar should be fully colored. Thanks in advance



.on('draw', function (data) {
                    if (data.type === 'bar') {
                        var elem = data.element._node;
                        var $line = $(elem).clone();
                        $(elem).after($line.attr("class", "ct-bar ct-bar-bg").attr("x1", $(elem).attr("x2")).attr("x2", $(chart).width()));
                    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Trident/') > 0) {
                        if (!chart.supportsForeignObject) {
                            if (data.type === 'bar') {
                                barStart = data.x1;
                            if (data.type === 'label' && data.axis.units.pos === 'y') {
                                label = $(data.element._node);
                                labelText = label.text();
                                labelWidth = label.text().length * 6;
                                labelHeight = label.attr("height");
                                labelX = 0;
                                labelY = data.y - (data.height / 2) + 5
                                if (labelWidth > barStart - 20) {
                                    var line = BraxtonPeformax.Application.WordWrap(labelText, 19);
                                    if (line[1]) {
                              'text', {
                                            x: labelX,
                                            y: labelY + 12,
                                        }, 'ct-label').text(line[1]);
                                        x: 0,
                                        y: data.y - (data.height / 2) + 5,
                                        height: labelHeight * 2
                                } else {
                                        x: 0,
                                        y: data.y - (data.height / 2) + 5

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