I have made a simple contact form with HTML and PHP. I uploaded both files to my server but it still does not send when I try to send a e-mail. How are they supposed to be linked? For example I know how to link a html and css file together but I cannot see anywhere where it shows how the PHP file is linked to the HTML file. I have attached my code below. Where am I going wrong?
Thanks ion advance
function _(id){ return document.getElementById(id); }
function submitForm(){
_("mybtn").disabled = true;
_("status").innerHTML = 'please wait ...';
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append( "n", _("n").value );
formdata.append( "e", _("e").value );
formdata.append( "m", _("m").value );
var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax.open( "POST", "example_parser.php" );
ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200) {
if(ajax.responseText == "success"){
_("my_form").innerHTML = '<h2>Thanks '+_("n").value+', your message has been sent.</h2>';
} else {
_("status").innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
_("mybtn").disabled = false;
ajax.send( formdata );
<form id="my_form" onsubmit="submitForm(); return false;">
<p><input id="n" placeholder="Name" required></p>
<p><input id="e" placeholder="Email Address" type="email" required></p>
<textarea id="m" placeholder="write your message here" rows="10" required></textarea>
<p><input id="mybtn" type="submit" value="Submit Form"> <span id="status"></span></p>
if( isset($_POST['n']) && isset($_POST['e']) && isset($_POST['m']) ){
$n = $_POST['n']; // HINT: use preg_replace() to filter the data
$e = $_POST['e'];
$m = nl2br($_POST['m']);
$to = "john@tvisionfitness.com";
$from = $e;
$subject = 'Contact Form Message';
$message = '<b>Name:</b> '.$n.' <br><b>Email:</b> '.$e.' <p>'.$m.'</p>';
$headers = "From: $from\n";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
if( mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ){
echo "success";
} else {
echo "The server failed to send the message. Please try again later.";