My php website is for example:
phpmyadmin for mysql for example:
So far I managed to configure xdebug in php and I type the command like
pkg install php-xdebug and in that php.ini I have to add the
xdebug.profiler_enable = 1
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = /tmp/profiler
then I restart the apache and then when I load my info.php page it
contains the xdebug page that like this in that picture. After that then
I follow the instruction on that link![|690x381](upload://mzETt9vQSAOKkYiK4A8UMvpODbH.jpg)
for how install xdebug for sublime text 3. I install package for
sublime text 3 and select xdebug client to install. After that then
created a project folder called awesome.sublime-project and made into a
new file. In that new file I created
Ok. The video shows how the Xdebug setup should be working, but what isn’t happening on your setup? Can you not call up your app in the browser, can you not set a breakpoint? What is broke?
It suppose to show the breakpoint just that video and it doesn’t show more details. Also, there is no debugging broswer just only debugging. How do I fix it.