I’m looking for a program, website, or individual who can decode this .JS file.
NOTE: This is not the full source code. I just copied the beginning and end parts of it.
The beginning of the code looks like this:
eval((function($1){for(var K1="",a1=0,Z1=function($1,r1){for(var t1=0,D1=0;D1<r1;D1++)
And the end of the code looks like this:
var q1=eval(G1),A1=\\"\\";for (var x1=0;x1<F`!D#;x1+=q` a {if (x1==s1[J1]-1&&J`!P*J` else ` I `!N\\"At(x1)==Y1){A1=A1+Y1` ?#` *!`!p=x1`\\"! }}}`!w A1);})();"));
I would greatly appreciate any help on this.
Let me know if you need anymore information.