Hello everyone, I have to twitter page for my business purpose. I use that to promote my business. But, the main thing is that, there is very few followers in my page. In this circumstances, I want to increase my followers in twitter. But, all have to be real.
Can anyone suggest me, how can I get more twitter real followers?
[font=verdana]We have had lots of discussions on this topic over the last couple of months, so rather than repeating them – please have a look back through the Social Media forum or use the [url=http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/search.php]Search function to find past threads. After you’ve done a bit of reading if you’ve got any questions or comments that haven’t already been discussed then do feel free to either add them to an existing thread if they are relevant or start a new one if you can’t see where they would fit in an existing thread.