Hover Background Over Text?

Does anyone have any clue what is happening? I just changed the text in to a custom font in the menu and when you hover over it, the background goes over the text. It is supposed to change in the back.



Hi, you will have to either change the background on hover, or change the font color for the canvas.

Your choice :).

and can u give an example or fix the css?


Well you can’t change the background imgaes set with pure CSS.

The other fix isn’t CSS either. You have to go into the Javascript file and change it.

I went over the JS file quickly, and there are a few possible points where the color is probably set although I think it’d be best to go to the JS section and ask there instead of having us possibly screw it up.

um just answer one question, whats this gotta do with color? Isnt the background picture overlaying the text??

It’s not overlaying at all (I think, hard to test because of the canvas element). The font color is just making it blend in

oh thats weird lol lemme take a look at the javascript

it works with another font???

and the javascript font is just a mess of numbers i cannot understand