Home page doesn't scroll properly on Andriod Mobile Devices

Hi All,
Can you help with this!
My website doesn’t scroll properly on Mobile devices …but scrolls on PC properly.
Using Andriod Device - Chrome Browser

I don’t know what’s the issue!

It scrolls on my iphone5s ok apart from being Janky with all the fancy parrallax scrolling (even on the desktop). I don’t have an android to test so can’t really offer any help apart from saying that the iphone seems ok.

Hi…Thanks for the response @PaulOB
Can you help me solve the issue …I don’t how to solve it… if its parrallax scrolling.

The first thing I would try is to disable the custom scrollbar plugin. Every time I see them implemented there is a problem somewhere along the line. It looks like overflow:hidden is being applied to the body dynamically and I guess this could well upset some mobile devices.

You have the scrollbar routine (https://nicescroll.areaaperta.com) in your plugin js so try commenting it out and see if it makes a difference. If it solves the problem then contact the authors of the plugin for a solution or just remove it. It makes the page ‘Janky’ (*technical term) anyway :slight_smile:

You may be able to test quickly by just adding this CSS instead of commenting out the plugin but you will end up with two scrollbars most likely.


Try that first just to see if it solves the problem then remove it and try commenting out the plugin to be sure. There may indeed be another script that is hiding the body overflow. The problem is that you have a lot of scripts and a very complex page.

If the problem still exists after commenting out the scrollbar plugin you may need to try doing the same for other plugins but could get complex if they are essential to the page behaviour.

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