
What is your hobbies?
My hobbies listening to music, watching action movies, and little bit cooking.

My hobby is to play cricket . i usually play with my friends at weekends. when we used to wear proper dress as our country team. i feel that i am playing for my country. About movies i love a lot.

My hobbies are reading, watching tv, cooking and football.


Movies mainly. A few years ago I splashed out on a projector and surround sound system. Still my best purchase ever :slight_smile:

Also running, although at 2 miles a day just for fitness maintenance, I’m not sure you could really call it a hobby.

That and regular pub attendance.

I used to love playing frisbee golf; haven’t done that in a long time.

Reading just about anything from Robert A Heinlein (articles as well as novels.)

My hobbies Dancing and listening music .

I like to follow movies, talk show etc;
I like to clean my house ;
I like to shop online …

My hobbies is Playing Cricket match . i love cricket match. i playing cricket every Sunday. i never miss the match.

My Hobbies are watching Animated Movies, Playing Chess & Solving Suduko

My hobbies watching movie,playing chess,reading book and browsing net.

My hobbies listening to music, story writing,cooking,research something. to be curies abut everything.:slight_smile:


One of my hobbies is walking along the seaside.

Listing Music and watching movies are my favorite hobbies.

At the moment, web development and graphic design are my main hobbies. I hope to turn them into a job though.

My other hobby is electronics. Got into it because I want to eventually build a robot. :smiley: Only built a few simple circuits so far but it’s all about learning eh.

Edit: oh yeah, also playing games.

What type of robot do you want to build?

I haven’t really thought that far yet. :smiley: Maybe like the ones on robot wars.

I love singing and dancing.I also like reading books and novels.

Then we will have to wait until you actually build something to know how it looks :slight_smile: Cool!

I like to make things, any thing to do with creativity and craft :slight_smile:


My hobbies are playing online games, cricket, chess and light music.
I have great collections of classic movies.

Ranlie Basas