History.js [Hep]

Ok so I want to implement the history.js into my website so that I can use my back button and maybe even create a forward button. However I read the readme @ [https://github.com/balupton/History.js/#readme however I don’t understand how to implement it into a site. the only thing I understand is that the script

<script src="http://www.yourwebsite.com/history.js/scripts/bundled/html4+html5/native.history.js"></script>

needs to be called in the head of my site. However how would I get my back button to work on my site [URL=“http://ww.webapp-testing.com”]http://www.webapp-testing.com](https://github.com/balupton/History.js/#readme). Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried exploring the DEMOs provided by [URL=“https://github.com/balupton”]the author?

I did it seems he only adds the script in the head and then uses the available functions. Is it that simple???

so there is no one here who can help me with this?