I am trying to set up a canned script, and in trying to get it to work I’ve come across a syntax error I don’t really understand. I ran the following command via ssh on my webserver:
/usr/bin/php -c /home/path/to/mailPipe.php
and here is the response I get:
PHP: syntax error, unexpected '(' in /home/path/to/mailPipe.php on line 4
here is the php code
;!/usr/bin/php -q
$save_directory = __DIR__;
$db_host = 'localhost';$db_un = '***';$db_pass = '***';$db_name = '***';$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_host;dbname=$db_name;charset=utf8",$db_un,$db_pass);
$allowed_senders = Array('email1@email.com', 'email2@email.com', 'email3@email.com', 'email4@email.com', 'email5@email.com', 'email6@email.com', 'email7@email.com', 'email8@email.com', 'email9@email.com');
$mr = new mailReader($save_directory,$allowed_senders,$pdo);
$mr->save_msg_to_db = TRUE;
$mr->send_email = FALSE;
not sure what could be wrong with that, can someone help? Thank you!!