Help with SQL query - COUNT

Hope someone can help with this, as its a bit beyond me I think. Its to do with the COUNT function, and at least involves a fairly simple database structure, even if its proving tricky to do what I would like.

The tables I have are:

LodgeID (PK)

Sample data:

1, Lodge A
2, Lodge B

KeywordID (PK)

Sample data:

1, 11, 1
2, 12, 1
3, 13, 1
4, 14, 1
5, 15, 1
6, 16, 2
7, 17, 2
8, 18, 2
9, 19, 2
10, 20, 2


KeywordID (PK)

Sample date:

1, 11, 1
2, 12, 1
3, 21, 2
4, 13, 2
5, 15, 3
6, 17, 3
7, 18, 4
8, 19, 4
9, 20, 5
10, 25, 5

From all of that I would love to have the output which just displays the LodgeID, Lodge and number of matching activities that lodge has with users.

So from the above data, Lodge A shares activities with User 1 (Activities 11 & 12) and User 2 (Activity 13).

And Lodge B shares activities with User 3 (Activity 17), User 4 (Activities 18 and 19) and User 5 (Activity 20).

So from all of that, the output I would be looking for is just:

1, Lodge A, 2
2, Lodge B, 3

Where the last column is the number of users which match any of that lodge’s activities.

Sorry its a bit wordy, but hopefully it makes some sense

Many thanks.

All you need to do is join lodges and lodge_activities_it, then use the COUNT function, using GROUP BY of the lodgeID (you’ll need to specify which table this is from since it’s on both tables) and Lodge

Thanks Dave - won’t that just give me the number of activities for each lodge?

(Rather than the number of users which have any of the same activities as each lodge?)

Oops. Yes, you’re right. So then you need to also join the user_activities_id and then COUNT the userID instead. The group by will stay the same.

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