Help with regex (find replace html tags)


I am trying to find a string and replace it with another one, but i am facing issue when the string has line breaks/spaces in it

I am trying to find the following

			{{ username }}

and replace it with the following:

			{{ salutation }}
			{{ username}}

This is my regex which apparently isnt working the way I expect it to work


Can someone please help me with this?

Many thanks

try simplexml with simplexml_load_string on DOM related data.

Looks like you need PCRE_MULTILINE modifier.

Though I really hope it’s one-time task, not some part of the template logic.

too lazy to double answer:

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Hey Guys

Thanks for the reply.

I found a solution. The following regex worked fine for me

/\s*<tbody><tr>\s*<td>\s*{{ username }}\s*<\/td>\s*<\/tr></tbody>/

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