ok link building is confusing.
First of all, can i ask, what are the benefits of internal link building, i.e using my keyword on every page and having that linking to my home page - will that help for rankings?
Second, i read blogs, forums etc are now no good for link building, if this is correct, where is the best place to get links from
Links that you create yourself have no value to search engines. They are not an indication of quality, which is what they are looking for, but a sign of desperate spamming with the intention of manipulating ranking, which is exactly what they don’t like.
ah ok, so on each page on my site, i have included a keyword anchor text link which is also the name of business with a link to my home page, should i remove this, and just have the link (HOME PAGE) instead.
You should link your pages internally where it makes sense to do so and will help your visitors navigate your site.
You seem a bit unclear on how search works, so this video might be of interest:
Relying on links to improve your ranking in search engine results is a very outdated approach. All the major search engines regard links which you can place yourself as pretty much worthless, and it is a violation of their guidelines to place links with the intention of manipulating ranking.
The only links worth having are those you’ve earned, by creating quality content that other sites choose to link to. This video is a few years old, but might give you some ideas.
As you’re apparently new to SEO, I’d highly recommend Google’s “Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide”.
thanks for this,
but 1 question, i am using a site called monitor backlinks to look at my competitors, one for example who is 2nd for the keyphrase, has 3162 unique links from unique domains, out of this, over 1,500 of these are from their own site???
Your internal links have nothing to do with ranking, the only way they help SEO is to allow crawlers to find the different pages on your site so they can be indexed, in exactly the same way that they help your visitors navigate your site.
ok cheers
Benefits of internal link building
• helps users to easily navigate within your site
• helps in passing the link juice
• Increases page rank
• Reduces bounce rate
Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your website.
Blog, classifieds, guest post, social bookmarking and all off-page techniques will help for link building, if you have unique content.
No, they won’t. Please read the thread, especially posts #2 and #4.
thank you for the information
Hello Rob,
Internal link building helps only when it is used in a proper manner. You need to consider the points listed here: https://blog.kissmetrics.com/commandments-of-internal-linking/
Yes, forum and blog commenting tasks will give you good backlinks but it is performed on a niche website. For example, you have a business of photography and you are getting backlinks from the source where there is no relation with the photography business. It doesn’t create worth for your business.
In short, relevancy matters.
No, they won’t, for reasons already explained.
If the site is reputable, it will mark user-submitted links nofollow, as we do here, and they will be of no use as backlinks. If the site is not reputable, and allows user-submitted links to be followed, these will be regarded as worthless by search engines and will still be of no use as backlinks.
The purpose of posting on a forum is to participate in discussion, not to drop links. (Link-dropping may very well get you banned from a forum.)
For navigational purpose, internal linking is very important. There are a lot of benefits of internal linking, It helps in increasing page rank, page views, reduce bounce rate as well.
From my experiences, internal link is also counted as a backlink. The structure of your internal link with tell google which are your important pages that they should rank on top. For link building strategy, I have no ideas because I only write content and share to social media only.
In regards to " I read blogs, forums etc are now no good for link building." This is correct. However, on your site if you are providing engaging content or an interactive tool that is relevant to your audience then people will be willing to share/republish your content on their sites or social media. Therefore, these efforts can contribute to your ranking.
No, your internal links are not going to help in ranking. Do SEO on your site for ranking in google. Inter link your pages to control link juice or link flow
Yes, you need to earn links not create bulk links which has no value. This will waste of time.
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