Help with finding a solution to watermark on video being unsharp/pixelated

(thanks for looking here and for all previous help)
Currently, this file in the web video script that I’m using adds a watermark successfully, however, the watermark.png looks ok on the small screen, but when full screen is selected the watermark.png image looks much less sharp. I’m adding the file code below, is there a way to have it work with two images, one watermark/image for the small screen and one watermark/image for full screen? If so, any guidance with that will be appreciated.
Also, can an .svg image be used as a video watermark image? I look forward to any assistance.

if (IS_LOGGED == false || $pt->config->upload_system != 'on') {
    $data = array(
        'status' => 400,
        'error' => 'Not logged in'
    echo json_encode($data);
} else if ($pt->config->ffmpeg_system != 'on') {
    $data = array(
        'status' => 402
    echo json_encode($data);
} else {
    $getID3    = new getID3;
    $featured  = ($user->is_pro == 1) ? 1 : 0;
    $filesize  = 0;
    $error     = false;

if (PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($_POST['is_movie']) && $_POST['is_movie'] == 1) {
    if (empty($_POST['movie_title']) || empty($_POST['movie_description']) || empty($_FILES["movie_thumbnail"]) || empty($_POST['stars']) || empty($_POST['producer']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['quality']) || empty($_POST['rating']) || !is_numeric($_POST['rating']) || $_POST['rating'] < 1 || $_POST['rating'] > 10 || empty($_POST['release']) || empty($_POST['category']) || !in_array($_POST['category'], array_keys($pt->movies_categories))) {
        $error = $lang->please_check_details;
    // $cover = getimagesize($_FILES["movie_thumbnail"]["tmp_name"]);
    // if ($cover[0] > 400 || $cover[1] > 570) {
    //     $error = $lang->cover_size;
    // }
    $request   = array();
    $request[] = (empty($_POST['title']) || empty($_POST['description']));
    $request[] = (empty($_POST['tags']) || empty($_POST['video-thumnail']));
    if (in_array(true, $request)) {
        $error = $lang->please_check_details;
    } else if (empty($_POST['video-location'])) {
        $error = $lang->video_not_found_please_try_again;
    } else if (($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && $pt->config->who_sell == 'pro_users' && $pt->user->is_pro) || ($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && $pt->config->who_sell == 'users') || ($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && $pt->user->admin)) {
        if (!empty($_POST['set_p_v']) || $_POST['set_p_v'] < 0) {
            if (!is_numeric($_POST['set_p_v']) || $_POST['set_p_v'] < 0 || (($pt->config->com_type == 0 && $_POST['set_p_v'] <= $pt->config->admin_com_sell_videos)) ) {
                $error = $lang->video_price_error." ".($pt->config->com_type == 0 ? $pt->config->admin_com_sell_videos : 0);
    } else {
        $request   = array();
        $request[] = (!in_array($_POST['video-location'], $_SESSION['uploads']['videos']));
        $request[] = (!in_array($_POST['video-thumnail'], $_SESSION['ffempg_uploads']));
        $request[] = (!file_exists($_POST['video-location']));
        if (in_array(true, $request)) {
            $error = $lang->error_msg;
    if (empty($error)) {
        $file = $duration_file     = $getID3->analyze($_POST['video-location']);
        $duration = '00:00';
        if (!empty($file['playtime_string'])) {
            $duration = PT_Secure($file['playtime_string']);
        if (!empty($file['filesize'])) {
            $filesize = $file['filesize'];
        $video_res = (!empty($file['video']['resolution_x'])) ? $file['video']['resolution_x'] : 0;
        $video_id        = PT_GenerateKey(15, 15);
        $check_for_video = $db->where('video_id', $video_id)->getValue(T_VIDEOS, 'count(*)');
        if ($check_for_video > 0) {
            $video_id = PT_GenerateKey(15, 15);
        if (PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($_POST['is_movie']) && $_POST['is_movie'] == 1) {
            $thumbnail = 'upload/photos/thumbnail.jpg';
            if (!empty($_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['tmp_name'])) {
                $file_info   = array(
                    'file' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['tmp_name'],
                    'size' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['size'],
                    'name' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['name'],
                    'type' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['type']
                $file_upload = PT_ShareFile($file_info);
                $thumbnail = PT_Secure($file_upload['filename'], 0);
                // if (!empty($file_upload['filename'])) {
                //     $thumbnail = PT_Secure($file_upload['filename'], 0);
                //     $upload = PT_UploadToS3($thumbnail);
                // }
            $thumbnail = PT_Secure($_POST['video-thumnail'], 0);
            if (file_exists($thumbnail)) {
                $upload = PT_UploadToS3($thumbnail);

        $category_id = 0;
        $convert     = true;
        $thumbnail   = substr($thumbnail, strpos($thumbnail, "upload"), 120);
        // ******************************
        if (PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($_POST['is_movie']) && $_POST['is_movie'] == 1) {

            $link_regex = '/(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/|www\.)([^\ ]+)/i';
            $i          = 0;
            preg_match_all($link_regex, PT_Secure($_POST['movie_description']), $matches);
            foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
                $match_url            = strip_tags($match);
                $syntax               = '[a]' . urlencode($match_url) . '[/a]';
                $_POST['movie_description'] = str_replace($match, $syntax, $_POST['movie_description']);
            $data_insert = array(
                'title' =>  PT_Secure($_POST['movie_title']),
                'category_id' => PT_Secure($_POST['category']),
                'stars' => PT_Secure($_POST['stars']),
                'producer' => PT_Secure($_POST['producer']),
                'country' => PT_Secure($_POST['country']),
                'movie_release' => PT_Secure($_POST['release']),
                'quality' => PT_Secure($_POST['quality']),
                'duration' => $duration,
                'description' => PT_Secure($_POST['movie_description']),
                'rating' => PT_Secure($_POST['rating']),
                'is_movie' => 1,
                'video_id' => $video_id,
                'converted' => '2',
                'size' => $filesize,
                'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
                'user_id' => $user->id,
                'time' => time(),
                'registered' => date('Y') . '/' . intval(date('m'))
            if (!empty($_POST['buy_price']) && is_numeric($_POST['buy_price']) && $_POST['buy_price'] > 0) {
                $data_insert['sell_video'] = PT_Secure($_POST['buy_price']);
            $link_regex = '/(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/|www\.)([^\ ]+)/i';
            $i          = 0;
            preg_match_all($link_regex, PT_Secure($_POST['description']), $matches);
            foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
                $match_url            = strip_tags($match);
                $syntax               = '[a]' . urlencode($match_url) . '[/a]';
                $_POST['description'] = str_replace($match, $syntax, $_POST['description']);

            if (!empty($_POST['category_id'])) {
                if (in_array($_POST['category_id'], array_keys(get_object_vars($pt->categories)))) {
                    $category_id = PT_Secure($_POST['category_id']);
            $video_privacy = 0;
            if (!empty($_POST['privacy'])) {
                if (in_array($_POST['privacy'], array(0, 1, 2))) {
                    $video_privacy = PT_Secure($_POST['privacy']);
            $age_restriction = 1;
            if (!empty($_POST['age_restriction'])) {
                if (in_array($_POST['age_restriction'], array(1, 2))) {
                    $age_restriction = PT_Secure($_POST['age_restriction']);
            $sub_category = 0;

            if (!empty($_POST['sub_category_id'])) {
                $is_found = $db->where('type',PT_Secure($_POST['category_id']))->where('lang_key',PT_Secure($_POST['sub_category_id']))->getValue(T_LANGS,'COUNT(*)');
                if ($is_found > 0) {
                    $sub_category = PT_Secure($_POST['sub_category_id']);

            $continents_list = array();
            if (!empty($_POST['continents-list'])) {

                foreach ($_POST['continents-list'] as $key => $value) {
                    if (in_array($value, $pt->continents)) {
                        $continents_list[] = $value;
            $data_insert = array(
                'video_id' => $video_id,
                'user_id' => $user->id,
                'title' => PT_Secure($_POST['title']),
                'description' => PT_Secure($_POST['description']),
                'tags' => PT_Secure($_POST['tags']),
                'duration' => $duration,
                'video_location' => '',
                'category_id' => $category_id,
                'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
                'time' => time(),
                'registered' => date('Y') . '/' . intval(date('m')),
                'featured' => $featured,
                'converted' => '2',
                'size' => $filesize,
                'privacy' => $video_privacy,
                'age_restriction' => $age_restriction,
                'sub_category' => $sub_category,
                'geo_blocking' => (!empty($continents_list) ? json_encode($continents_list) : '')
            if (!empty($_POST['set_p_v']) && is_numeric($_POST['set_p_v']) && $_POST['set_p_v'] > 0) {
                $data_insert['sell_video'] = PT_Secure($_POST['set_p_v']);
            if ( ($pt->config->approve_videos == 'on' && !PT_IsAdmin()) || ($pt->config->auto_approve_ == 'no' && $pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && !PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($data_insert['sell_video'])) ) {
                $data_insert['approved'] = 0;
        // ******************************
        $insert      = $db->insert(T_VIDEOS, $data_insert);

        if ($insert) {
            $delete_files = array();
            if (!empty($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'])) {
                if (is_array($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'])) {
                    foreach ($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'] as $key => $file) {
                        if ($thumbnail != $file) {
                            $delete_files[] = $file;
            if (!empty($delete_files)) {
                foreach ($delete_files as $key => $file2) {
            if (isset($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'])) {
            $data = array(
                'status' => 200,
                'video_id' => $video_id,
                'link' => PT_Link("watch/$video_id")
            header("Content-Encoding: none");
            header("Connection: close");
            header('Content-Type: application/json');
            echo json_encode($data);
            $size = ob_get_length();
            header("Content-Length: $size");
            if (is_callable('fastcgi_finish_request')) {

            if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {
                $process_queue = $db->getValue(T_QUEUE,'video_id',$pt->config->queue_count);

            if ( (count($process_queue) < $pt->config->queue_count  && !in_array($video_id, $process_queue)) ||  $pt->config->queue_count == 0) {
                if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {
                    $db->insert(T_QUEUE, array('video_id' => $insert,
                                   'video_res' => $video_res,
                                   'processing' => 2));

                $ffmpeg_b                   = $pt->config->ffmpeg_binary_file;
                $filepath                   = explode('.', $_POST['video-location'])[0];
                $time                       = time();
                $full_dir                   = str_replace('ajax', '/', __DIR__);

                $video_output_full_path_240 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_360 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_360p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_480 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_480p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_720 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_720p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_1080 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_1080p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_2048 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_2048p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_4096 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_4096p_converted.mp4";

                $video_file_full_path       = $full_dir . $_POST['video-location'];

                $watermark_image_full_path = "watermark.png";

                // demo Video
                $video_time = '';
                $demo_video = '';
                if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && !empty($data_insert['sell_video'])) {
                    $have_demo = false;
                    if (!empty($duration_file['playtime_seconds']) && $duration_file['playtime_seconds'] > 0) {
                        $video_time = round((10 * round($duration_file['playtime_seconds'],0)) / 100,0);
                        $video_time = '-t '.$video_time.'  -async 1';
                        $have_demo = true;

                // demo Video

                //$shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=426:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_240 2>&1");

						$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -filter_complex "scale=426:-2,  scale=426:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4");
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    'converted' => 1,
                    '240p' => 1,
                    'video_location' => $filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4"
                if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {

                if ($video_res >= 3840) {

                    //$shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=3840:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_4096 2>&1");

				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -filter_complex "scale=3840:-2,  scale=3840:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_4096.' 2>&1';

				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_4096p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '4096p' => 1
                    // demo Video

                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()). "_video_4096p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=3840:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 2048) {
                    //$shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=2048:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_2048 2>&1");

                  	$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -filter_complex "scale=2048:-2, scale=2048:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_2048.' 2>&1';

					$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_2048p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '2048p' => 1
                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_2048p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=2048:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 1920 || $video_res == 0) {
                    //$shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=1920:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_1080 2>&1");

				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -filter_complex "scale=1920:-2, scale=1920:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_1080.' 2>&1';

				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_1080p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '1080p' => 1
                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_1080p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=1920:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 1280 || $video_res == 0) {

                   //$shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=1280:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_720 2>&1");

				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -filter_complex "scale=1280:-2, scale=1280:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_720.' 2>&1';

				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_720p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=1280:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 854 || $video_res == 0) {
                    //$shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=854:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_480 2>&1");

					$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -filter_complex "scale=854:-2, scale=854:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_480.' 2>&1';

					$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_480p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '480p' => 1
                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_480p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=854:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 640 || $video_res == 0) {

                   // $shell                      = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=640:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_360 2>&1");

				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_360.' 2>&1';

				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                   $upload_s3                  = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_360p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '360p' => 1,
                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_360p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=640:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video

                // demo Video
                if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                    $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_240p_demo.mp4";
                    $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=426:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        'demo' => $demo_video
                // demo Video

                if (file_exists($_POST['video-location'])) {

                $_SESSION['uploads'] = array();
                $db->insert(T_QUEUE, array('video_id' => $insert,
                                   'video_res' => $video_res,
                                   'processing' => 0));
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    'video_location' => $_POST['video-location']
    } else {
        $data = array(
            'status' => 400,
            'message' => $error_icon . $error

For “full screen”, is it playing the same video file, or do you store different copies with different resolutions?

Thanks for your reply.

I don’t know if it is playing the same video. I just assumed it is when you select full screen on the player, but also, yes the script converts the upload file and stores a 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p etc version in its videos folder.

any additional help is welcomed.

Surely you can look at the code that plays the videos, and determine whether it is using the same file and playing it at a different resolution, or whether it is playing the different video resolutions that you mention above?

Thanks for your reply.
Regarding, look at the code that plays the video, if you mean right click and choose ‘inspect’ and I just see the link to the .jpg thumbnail.
Or right click and ‘copy video address’, which in small screen and full screen shows the same video …91915zad_video_240p_converted.mp4

So, it seems to be playing the same video on small and full screens.

I look forward to any additional assistance.

Well, I really meant look at your code in your development environment and see if it’s serving up (or supposed to be serving up) different videos in different circumstances. But if you can see that it’s always the same video file, then that’s probably conclusive enough.

I can’t help with this sorry, I have no knowledge of videos and watermarking. A quick search suggests the “scale2ref” parameter when adding the watermark might help with the issue, do you use that parameter now?

Thanks again for your reply.

Yes ‘scale2ref’ seems like a possible solution. I have tried different attempts with it without success. The documentation shows:

“Scale a logo to 1/10th the height of a video, while preserving its display aspect ratio”:

I need guidance with integrating scale2ref into a current line of code, for example:

$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -filter_complex "scale=426:-2, scale=426:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

any additional assistance is appreciated.

It was suggested that I add a ‘report’ parameter to the code, after revising with the ‘scale2ref’ code which appeared to prevent the video from uploading/proceeding:

$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "[0]scale=426:-2[vid];[1][vid]scale2ref='oh*mdar':'ih/10'[wm][vid];[vid][wm]overlay=5:5:format=rgb,format=yuv420p" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 -report'.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';
$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

I couldn’t see where the -report parameter was supposed to output (error.log has a filesize of 0). So I was asked to “run command from the shell and check”?

But, I’m not sure what command and where/how to do that.
Any guidance with that is appreciated.

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