Help with a mousemove parallax effect script


I have a parallax script that should get the images from the document and move them according to mouse movement.
It doesn’t work.

Can you know what is the problem?

    window.onload = function() {
      var c1left = document.getElementById('l2').offsetLeft,
        c1top = document.getElementById('l2').offsetTop,
        c2left = document.getElementById('l3').offsetLeft,
        c2top = document.getElementById('l3').offsetTop,

        parallaxBox.onmousemove = function(event) {
          event = event || window.event;
          var x = event.clientX - parallaxBox.offsetLeft,
            y = event.clientY - parallaxBox.offsetTop;

          mouseParallax('l2', c1left, c1top, x, y, 50);
          mouseParallax('l3', c2left, c2top, x, y, 20);


    function mouseParallax(id, left, top, mouseX, mouseY, speed) {
      var obj = document.getElementById(id);
      var parentObj = obj.parentNode,
        containerWidth = parseInt(parentObj.offsetWidth),
        containerHeight = parseInt(parentObj.offsetHeight); = left - (((mouseX - (parseInt(obj.offsetWidth) / 2 + left)) / containerWidth) * speed) + 'px'; = top - (((mouseY - (parseInt(obj.offsetHeight) / 2 + top)) / containerHeight) * speed) + 'px';


I’ve tried running this code in jsfiddle, but there are some syntax errors in your code.
For example, the var statement has a trailing comma that doesn’t lead to any other variables being defined.

Do you have a working example of the code from somewhere else? Or failing that, can you supply the HTML code that’s supposed to be used with this script?

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