Help! Why is my moblie email staggered

I’m new to HTML and made a responsive email from scratch, however, when viewing on mobile it’s not stacked evenly. Can anyone help?

Welcome to the forum, @zenadiam. In order for anybody to help you here, we would have to see your code. Could you please post what you have so far?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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    <title>Responsive Email Template</title>
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                    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
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What client are you seeing problems with? I’m not sure that all email clients understand @media rules.

Once the email is sent through my gmail account or mail chimp and viewed on mobile it is stacked unevenly, I want it to be aligned evenly.

I’m wondering if there’s something I place in the code to cause this

Nothing much at all will understand them with no viewport meta tag.

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If you are talking about ios email clients then it probably relates to this bug.

Use the html5 doctype and try using th elements instead of td. I don’t have the means to test at the moment so it may not work everywhere.

I used to avoid stacking table cells together for email because of this problem but would rather use two table elements instead.

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