Help to personalize script?

To sell my photographs on my website, I use the script provided by for users like me. Can a JavaScript expert tell me to what extent I can modify this script to personalize it? Perhaps make it display the albums created instead of the unordered images?

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<iframe id='pixelsshoppingcartiframe' src='' style='display: inline-block; width: 100%; height: 820px; border: none; overflow: hidden;'></iframe>

I should have thought pixels was the place to ask for advice on their scripts.

I have tried several times to contact their customer support and have not received a response. That’s why I come here to find ideas.

Hm, in my experience, you need to be a pretty experienced JS dev to start modifying a script like that. It might be fine to modify CSS, but I wouldn’t touch the JS. I’d be looking for an alternative script that did what I want. Otherwise, you’d be up for a fair cost getting a developer to modify the script. You’d probably be better off getting a script built from scratch. (Just my 2c.)

Modify CSS? The script have CSS?
Mostly, I’m interested in knowing what possibilities there are for modification before attempting it or finding someone to do it. Since it’s a script provided by Pixels and doesn’t offer other “official” alternatives, it’s the only avenue I’ve thought of to provide a more intuitive and attractive product presentation.

Hm, in my experience, you need to be a pretty experienced JS dev to start modifying a script like that. It might be fine to modify CSS, but I wouldn’t touch the JS. I’d be looking for an alternative script that did what I want. Otherwise, you’d be up for a fair cost getting a developer to modify the script. You’d probably be better off getting a script built from scratch. (Just my 2c.)

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Check what is permissible to change in the copyright and license terms, if any.

I meant that you let the script do its thing with the HTML, then style the generated content as you please. But whether you could bend the output to your will with CSS depends on what you are trying to do. You can change the layout and appearance with CSS, but I suspect you want to do more than that.

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