Help regarding URL re-write for my android blog

Hello Sir, i want to ask something regarding my site. Currently url structure of my android blog is like
So it is : “/post”
But the way i want to structure is given below:
“/category/year/post” - example: /android/2014/android-sqlite-database-tutorial/.
How can i achieve it? I also want to redirect old pages to new one…


I’ve done the same thing (but without the “crutch” of category and year) at There, I simply use the “title” of the articles to access them in the database. More on this at



Actually i am also interested in using breadcrumbs.
For example for post
Breadcrumb would look like: database> 2014 > android sqlite
How can i achieve this?

Hi Raj,

That question (?) should be in another thread but …

First, I never had the need for breadcrumbs as EVERY article was linked in the nav sidebar.

Second (on to your NEW question), I don’t see the relationship between the article and your breadcrumbs. Therefore, I’ll have to recommend that you add the breadcrumbs to the article record and pull them from there.



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