Help me make this design less boxy

Hi everyone,

I’m a backend developer with almost no design skill. I’m trying to do the UI for a hobby project using bootstrap. Whilst ootstrap is great, the UI is looking very boxy and I could use some help to freshen things up a little. I would be grateful for any pointers the forum members can give, particularly for which bootstrap elements might be better suited to displaying the message and comments.

I have uploaded a screenshot here:


Am I missing something. I see no screenshots clicking on that link.

It’s looking very boxy because it’s basically a wireframe. Any use of color, iconography, border styling, etc will help immensely.


They require javascript allowed just to show an image.

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thanks DaveMaxwell. I’ll take that on board.

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sorry, I didn’t realise you couldn’t view the image without javascript - I won’t be using that service again!
I’ve attached a screenshot to this post.


Are you wedded to bootstrap? If this is a learning project, then I would recommend going framework-free and practicing with basic HTML and CSS. You will find that it is much easier to design a more attractive page without the ridgid and complex structure required by a framework.

The advantages of a framework include consistent coding techniques within a group managaed by a team of coders and also the convenience provided by some of the “widgets”/utilities included with bootstrap in particular, but it is otherwise easier to write a page or a site without one, IMO.

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