Help/Infos with creating Word-Documents

Hi there,

I plan to programm a little ASP.NET webapp which can create blank Worddocuments (templates) with pre-configured/-defined style-sheets and a rough content-construct (first page with no number, different sections, ToC, a few headlines, different kinds of section-numbering, etc…).

Is this possible? And if it’s possible, can I insert automatic fields like a ToC with asp? I’m new to programming with, so thats why I ask :wink:

Besides that, it’s important that the stylesheets for headlines are created on the fly with asp, like first level start with "01. - ", second Level like (tabbed) "01.01. - " and so on. Is this possible, too?

Can someone post some good tutorials or starting points for that goal?

Thanks in advance and cheers,

:slight_smile: Christian