Hello bar / widget not removing from a page

I have a hello bar popup widget that shows on all my pages. I am trying to remove it so that it does not show for one particular page. At hellobar.com the settings allow you to set which pages you may not want the widget showing, but even after doing so the popup still keeps coming up. I even went to Inspect and used CSS (display: none !important) on different classes/ids so it does not show, but it is still showing.

Page: www.searchmortgage.ca/mortgageking (the bottom popup where it says “A mortgage calculator that…” is what I want removed.

I even did "


function hello_bar_example_2() {
if (!is_page('3905')) {

<script src="//my.hellobar.com/5ea7e4daf03c3e38362fe5bfb5ed48070dcfe95a.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" async="async"></script>;

<?php } }
add_action('thesis_hook_after_html', 'hello_bar_example_2');

" and placed in a custom_functions.php file but that is not working either.

where it says ?> ; in the php code, the hello bar code goes there

What code is in the “is_page()” function, and where does 3905 come from?

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