Header hiding after reaching a specific section


I got a template and made some changes in it. By default it had 4 sections in it, I added 3 more section. The black header appears till the 4th section, on 5th section it becomes normal. How do I fix it ??

My website is: http://uniquemotorspares.com/

I am sure its something simple, but I can’t find it anywhere as to why its hiding after 4th page.


Hi there Tapan,

Are you aware that everything on your page is hiding
for those of us who happen to have JavaScript disabled?



No. But why you have disabled JavaScript ?? Its a template made like that and I really don’t want to get into that. I just want help on the header not coming after 4th section. Please help.


Hi there Tapan,

I did enable JavaScript after that disconcerting event which
was mentioned in my previous post, only to find that your
page does not have a vertical scroll bar either. :mask:

Is it really your intention to make life difficult for your visitors?



You are setting the style of the header via the calss on each section so you need to update those classes to match the new sections.


 .fp-viewing-4.dark-header .header,
 .fp-viewing-5.dark-header .header,
 .fp-viewing-6.dark-header .header,
 .fp-viewing-7.dark-header .header {
    background: #323232;
    height: 50px;
    padding: 5px 0px;
    box-shadow: 0 5px 20px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);

Of course it would have been better just to have the same class for all sections from the start so that you don’t have to maintain the css each time each time you add a section.

Coothead has valid points that you may wish to consider at some stage :slight_smile:


Hi coothead,

I agree there’s not a scrollbar, but I tried the scrolling via keyboard up/down arrows keys and pgup/pgdn keys and also used mouse’s scroll and it all lets you easily scroll. Even home / end keys works.

I can’t think how its difficult to scroll the site when all those options are available. Are you using any specific browser / system which is not letting you scroll the website due to unavailability of the scroll bar ?



Thanks for the help. Its working now.


There is scrolling, but it is not entirely user controlled. The script forces the scroll to the beginning of each section, there is no in-between available. This means that if your display does not have sufficient height to display a section, the bottom part of the section is cropped off and inaccessible.
Conventional scrolling would solve any such issues created by this apparent “re-invention of the wheel”.


There is also the problem that some people will assume that a site without a scrollbar does not scroll.


Somewhat off-topic, but I read this just last night

Scroll hijacking is typically accomplished through JavaScript, so it’s not controlled via the browser or the operating system. The reason hijacking is so controversial is that browser scrollbars belong to the browser window and they’re meant to provide a uniform experience.

My reaction to such sites is to leave, not to try and figure things out.


Many people do because of stupid annoying effects that some sites use or because a lot of sites are broken due to badly written scripts.

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To make it harder for aggressive websites to send me malicious JavaScript.



I have enabled the scrollbar back as suggested.



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