Having trouble capturing text of Data element using JQuery

I posted a similar question but wasn’t sure if I should have included it there, or start a new question. If I should have included in the same question, I will gladly do so.

ON a click event I want to bbuble up and capture the text from (data-mb-name) in the Div id = Hero-intro at the top of the HTML I included above.
the html is the following… this is just a snippet, but is the portion of the HTML that I am concerned with.

<div id="hero-intro" class="col-sm-7 col-sm-offset-1">
                <h1 id="mb-name" data-mb-name="Ann Arnesen">Ann Arnesen</h1>
                <h3 id="hero-Title"><span>Sr. Mortgage Banker</span> | <span>NMLS #453374</span></h3>
                <!-- #hero-title -->
                <div class="sep-short-blue"></div>
                                <h5 id="hero-rating">Overall Satisfaction Rating:
                    <span class="rs rating-stars"><i class="fa fa-star fa-star-full"></i> <i class="fa fa-star fa-star-full"></i> <i class="fa fa-star fa-star-full"></i> <i class="fa fa-star fa-star-full"></i> <i class="fa fa-star fa-star-full"></i></span> <span class="rs rating-percent">5 out of 5</span>                </h5>
                                <!-- #hero-rating -->
                <p id="hero-intro-text">With over 10 years in the mortgage industry, Ann Arnesen has helped over 1,100 families achieve their dream of owning a home. The majority of Ann’s clients are repeat customers.</p>
                <!-- #hero-intro-text -->
                <div id="hero-readmore"><a href="#biography" data-toggle="modal">Read full bio...</a></div>
                <!-- #hero-readmore -->
                <div id="hero-btn-group"> 
                <a class="btn-ghost-white btn-left page-scroll" href="#social-c">CONTACT ME</a>
                                    <a class="btn-ghost-white btn-right" href="https://www.secureloandocs.com/apply.php?id=36309094&amp;loId=16167" target="_blank">APPLY ONLINE</a>
                <!-- #hero-btn-group --> 

this is the JQuery script I wrote, but is not working correctly. Basically on the click event I want to capture the data-mb-name attribute → in this case it would be Ann Arnensen.

$('.hero-btn-group a').click(function() {
  var getElement = $(this).parents('Div:has(#hero-btn-group'));
  if (getElement.length) {
    // Do something here
  s.eVar52 = ( getElement.attr('data-mb-name')); 
  } else {
    // Don't follow the link
    return false;

I’ve also tried the following

$('div:has(#hero-btn-group)').click(function() {
  var getElement = $(this).parents('div:has(#hero-intro)');

$('div:has(#hero-btn-group) a').click(function() {
  var getElement = $(this).parents('div:has(#hero-intro)');

$('div:has(#hero-btn-group a)').click(function() {
  var getElement = $(this).parents('div:has(#hero-intro)');

Nothing seems to work. @m3g4p0p

First make sure that you’re getting the correct reference. With your initial code for example, the closing quote and parenthesis were the reverse of what they should be.

var getElement = $(this).parents('Div:has(#hero-btn-group')); // bad
var getElement = $(this).parents('Div:has(#hero-btn-group)'); // good

So you now have a reference to the hero intro div. That doesn’t get you to the H1 element that has your data reference. I also renamed getElement to heroIntro, to help make the code less confusing.

Once we have the heroIntro, we can easily get the H1 element with $("h1", heroIntro)

s.eVar52 = $("h1", heroIntro).attr('data-mb-name'); 

jQuery lets us get the data value more directly though, which can be easier to read too:

s.eVar52 = $("h1", heroIntro).data('mb-name');

After putting in an s variable with an empty object, the resulting code is:

var s = {};
$('#hero-btn-group a').click(function() {
  var heroIntro = $(this).parents('div:has(#hero-btn-group)');

  if (heroIntro.length) {
    s.eVar52 = $("h1", heroIntro).attr('data-mb-name');

  } else {
    // Don't follow the link
    return false;

The test code for this can be found at https://jsfiddle.net/goazf7h9/

Why didn’t these ones work?

The click event triggers whenever you click anywhere inside the hero intro. The this keyword refers directly to that hero-intro div.

The click event works this time, but the hero-intro div has no parent div that contains it.

A more specific has condition, but still results in the click event being correctly triggered. The getElement assignment has the same troubles as the previous one.

Thanks @Paul_Wilkins for be patient and willing to teach. I will study this for better understand. I greatly appreciate your time.

I used the following and it worked well for my needs…

$('#hero-btn-group a').click(function() {
  var heroIntro = $(this).parents('div:has(#hero-btn-group)');

  if (heroIntro.length) {
    s.eVar52 = $("h1", heroIntro).attr('data-mb-name');
  } else {
    // Don't follow the link
    S.eVar52 = "Contact Me"
    return false;

Thanks @Paul_Wilkins

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