Happy Birthday, Shaun(oftheDead)


You’re definately our fav pirate (even if you’re always ready for a fight with the knife between your teeth). Captain Sparrow can’t compare to you!

Have a great time :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday @Shaun_OfTheDead :Partier: :bday: :camera:

Happy Birthday, Shaun. :slight_smile: Hope you have a great party, but go easy on the grog. :smiley: :bday: :hbday: :Partydude:


Do ducks have teeth?[/ot]

Happy Birthday Shaun!


Off Topic:



You mean that cute yellow avatar isn’t a duck? :eek: Maybe I should go back to the optician. :o[/ot]

Happy birthday, Shaun! Hope you have a nice day! :beer:

Happy Birthday :slight_smile: :weee:


Thanks, molona!

It’s a pretty average Thursday so far, but going to visit my mom later this evening.[/FONT]

HA! Thanks, ronpat. I love that you stuck a camera onto the end there.


haha! No party nor grog, sadly.[/FONT]

I’m sure prehistoric ducks had teeth. Dinosaurs probably evolved into birds, so I think the genes are still hidden in there somewhere.


(I’m sure I’d have pronounced that wrongly in real life.)[/FONT]



Thank you, ScallioXTX! It was good so far. Got through a lot today. Yeah, I’m a tad bit of a work-a-holic.



happy birth dday…

Happy Birthday Shaun :slight_smile:

does crazy dance :aparty:

Happy birthday. Wish your beautiful & successful life.

Happy Birthday…

Thank you so much!

[FONT=Georgia]haha! I think I’d love to see that in real life.
