Growing Internet use among over-75s

This article refers to the UK, but if it’s a trend here, then I would expect it to be similar elsewhere. The first thing I thought when I read that article was that all those sites currently following the fad of pale grey text on a white background must be a nightmare for those whose sight is not as sharp as it once was. (I find them hard to use, and my sight - with glasses - is good.) I would like to think that this kind of statistic would encourage designers to give more consideration to accessibility, as older users are more likely to have problems, such as poor sight or fine motor control (arthritis and other conditions).

Elsewhere in that article, I found the news that 25% of disabled people have never used the Internet sad and rather shocking. It has always seemed to me to be a medium which should aid inclusion and reduce isolation, but clearly a lot more work needs to be done.


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