Ground Zero, totally new. Where do I start?

Hello, I"m totally new to this style of platform and it seems there is so much to learn! It is exciting for me to start working on something new but i’m needing a starting point. I’ve looked at the various learning paths and am wondering if anyone in the cyber universe can help!

Welcome to the forums, @kevphoto49.

I’d say the place to start is with HTML and CSS. They’re the foundation of every Web page, so even if you intend to concentrate more on back-end stuff, you need a basic understanding of these. If you want to do more front-end stuff - designing and creating sites - a good knowledge of these will take you a long without adding anything extra.

Once you’re comfortable with them, move on to either JavaScript or PHP, depending on where your main interests lie. (If you don’t know yet, just start with HTML and CSS, and see where it takes you.)


move on to either JavaScript or PHP

Or just stick to JavaScript and learn Node.js, you’re going to need JavaScript regardless of what you want to do. You can’t really accomplish much with purley HTML and CSS, but that is a where everyone starts. There is no requirement to ever learn PHP, even if you want to focus on backend services. Once you get there, you can choose a wide variety of languages. Most of which are much nicer to work in.

Once you get up and running with the basics of HTML/CSS and JS, learn Git before moving much further past those. Git is a tool called “Version Control Software” and is used to manage your code and willl keep you sane when trying to manage your projects.

Then as an added benefit once you get your projects on Git, you can start publishing your first static sites with GitHub Pages or Netlify for free. (GitHub is just a place to host code repositories and is not Git itself)

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