Google search results random photo

Hi there,

I wonder if someone can help me.

I have created a Google business page and Google+ (is this the same thing?) for one of my clients. I have added their photos too.

However, when they show up in Google search results, the image that shows on the right hand side next to the map and business details is a random photo from the ‘team’ photo album I have created in their Google profile.

Is there any way you can specify which photo shows up in the results? I want it to be another photo in the team album but cannot find the option to do so.

Many thanks,


Welcome to the forums, @Kelly_Buckley.

I’m not aware of any mechanism by which you can choose which photo to display. (Which doesn’t mean there isn’t one. ) I only have one site with an associated Google+/business account, and the picture displayed for that is always the account profile picture. If you don’t have a profile picture set, you could try setting it to the one you want to display. (If you do have one set, but it’s displaying something else, then I’m afraid I’m out of ideas.)

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