Google panda / google penguin or whatever animal


Everyone talks about these update, ruining the websites.
I do think that preventing people from buying their online credibility is a good thing to avoid fraud and protect buyers/readers…
Am i missing something?

I agree that in The Race to Be First in Search Listings many people lose sight of the fact that a Search Engine lives-and-dies based on its ability to serve valid (valuable) results.

Many times I have tried to explain this to naive business owners who ask me, “How can I buy the top listing in Google?”.
Let’s imagine, for a moment, a world where your ranking in Google (or Yahoo, Bing, etc) would be based on how much you spend. This is like a traditional advertising sale in Radio, Newspaper or TV. As a consumer, when I used Google for a search, the results would be completely useless to me. I would stop relying on them and they would die quickly.

You would hire any professional (an Accountant, for example) based on their reputation and integrity. Should I trust the management of my money to an accountant with a reputation for cheating?

What if Google send Giraffe,Zebra or even Dinosaur updates every single day ? lolz…

What you’ve got to remember is that with each of these updates, Google isn’t changing the rules of the game, they’re just changing the way they enforce those rules. The guidelines for webmasters haven’t changed. If you carry on doing what Google has wanted you to do all along, you’ll be absolutely fine. It’s only people who are trying to find ways round those rules that need to be careful, or they’re likely to suddenly find that a previously lucrative loophole gets closed off.

next one would be google rabbit :stuck_out_tongue:

Very true, although you could argue that the DMCA adjustments recently are changing the rules slightly.

yes i listen about these updates. Now these days these are very popular for SEO purpose.
But my dear friend pallavi i am not understand with your question. please elaborate it.
thank you.

Really these panda and penguin are scaring the seo’s of the world you never know when you loose the rankings… What is next in google’s kitty…

This update is all about your SERP (Search Engine Ranking Position) but you can always market your products not depending on where you rank, Because web traffic and your keyword ranking has a different perspective in terms of selling something online.

Thanks for the comments.

They select harmless creatures to name the so-called “updates” to the look for criteria, which functioned as bloodthristy should and decreased PR of tens of a large number of websites and actually murdered many.

Even little companies which do not practice any kind of SEO have been broken.

Google wants it all!

It is my regarded viewpoint that Double-Opt-In e-mail and online community promotion will soon be the best and only methods to generate on the 'net outside of kneeling before The Excellent God Google!

A bit overdramatic I’d say…In your theory, only site owners who know what SEO is deserve to be ranked highly. In all reality, those who don’t even know what SEO is are just as likely to be creating the best content.

Not sure if these changes are the difference. but my newest site/blog has no problem ranking well within minutes of posting it up live. I’ve done little backlinks, its a new site/blog (months) and i dont even pay attention to SEO. (course i could be unconsciously doing stuff out of habit) vs years ago when i spent endless days and hours building links and working SEO. Whatever is going on i’m not complaining.

Your absolutely right!All we need to do is to follow the rules.Rules are rules guys!

I lose my rank when active google panda. I didn’t any more from that.