Google keywords search

Hi every body

my friend daily make a search for around 50 keywords in google search and filter the search time to one week

he ask me to develop a web page or small application to help him to make this process

what is the best solution for this situation

Many thanks for any help


Automated queries

Google’s Terms of Service do not allow the sending of automated queries of any sort to our system without express permission in advance from Google. Sending automated queries consumes resources and includes using any software (such as WebPosition Gold) to send automated queries to Google to determine how a website or webpage ranks in Google search results for various queries. In addition to rank checking, other types of automated access to Google without permission are also a violation of our Webmaster Guidelines and Terms of Service.

However —
A way that does work well and is not only allowed by Google but provided by Google is
Google Alerts

Have your friend set up an account.

In the past these types of discussions have attracted replies promoting methods that are against Google’s policies.
Any such posts Will be Removed.

Thanks for your reply …

I will use google alert … :slight_smile:

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