Not sure why but I am not getting the same results I have been
getting on my analytics its dropped dramatically. Not sure if I have it in the
right place or something is blocking its way, here is the code:
Judging by the image you supplied, GA is still registering some visitors and is thus working correctly.
I would assume that your traffic has dropped off for another reason.
I think he’s trying to insinuate he’s getting less visitors due to Googles update which, if using mobile devices when searching on Google, and if your page is not mobile friendly, your search ranking will take a hit. More mobile-friendly results will be displayed instead of yours.
However, that update was on April 21st IIRC, and his hits went down around March 1st…little late for his website to start being hit by that.
It will not affect your Analytics code. It’d be silly to force users to upgrade their code for the update to work. Users who do not comply would simply not update their code and thus not get penalized .
@csosa just to be clear - we are talking about an update to the Google search engine, not analytics. The update essentially makes sites lose their place in search results on mobile searches if they aren’t mobile friendly, thus making some sites lose traffic. Without access to your statistics, of course, we’re just guessing.
Here’s an article and another article about the update if you want to glean some info about it. This may not even be the cause of your lost traffic; the timing certainly is coincidental, though.
Did your website pass the mobile test? From post #3.
Does it? If not, then check your analytics and devices… see if the amount of hits from mobile devices falls off more sharply than desktop. If you’re losing both consistently it’s not this problem. If you lose more mobile than desktop, it might be.