Getting value from array [SOLVED]

hi guys, I had an issue with getting value from array that I’ve set it at my gender.php

and here’s the code

namespace App\Helpers\Enums;

final class Gender {
const MALE = 0;
const FEMALE = 1;
public static function getList() {
	return [

public static function getArray() {
	$result = [];
	foreach (self::getList() as $arr) {
		$result[$arr] = self::getString($arr);
	return $result;

public static function getString($val) {
	switch ($val) {
		case 0:
			return "Male";
		case 1:
			return "Female";


and here’s my create.blade code

{!! Form::select('gender', array('Male', 'Female'), null, array('class' => 'form-control')) !!}

And what was the issue that you had, specifically?

Hi droopsnoot, thanks for the attention. this one already solved.

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