Get started with VM

I’ll be jiggered if I know which category to post this in, but since I’m beginning with VMs I’m plumping for Get Started. I’m running Git Bash on a Windows 7 PC. I’ve created a shell script in my home directory which contains the following commands:

cd ~/homestead_improved-master
vagrant up

A minor irritation is that I cannot seem to run the script from the home directory by simply entering - but have to enter either ./ or ~/

When I’m done with Vagrant, I try vagrant halt but I get a message:

A Vagrant environment or target machine is required to run this
command. Run vagrant init to create a new Vagrant environment. Or,
get an ID of a target machine from vagrant global-status to run
this command on. A final option is to change to a directory with a
Vagrantfile and to try again.

If I run vagrant global-status to get the vagrant machine id and then vagrant halt fe31855 my VM closes down.

Can I do anything to make life easier for myself? (Being a lazy little Git - pun intended).

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When you run vagrant halt are you still inside the homestead_improved-master directory?

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I guess so, since I haven’t changed directory back. Is that the problem?

Edit: I’ve tried cd ~ before the vagrant halt but it doesn’t seem to make a difference :frowning:

Just entering the name of the shell script won’t work since the shell would assume that is a global command. By preceding it with ./ you’re explicitly telling the shell that you want to execute a certain file in the current directory – another option would be sh

Yes, you’re only cding within the script. This doesn’t change your actual working directory in the shell.

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Thanks @m3g4p0p

So, since I run the shell script from my home directory, I’m still in home?

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Yes. :-) I’m not sure about Win CLI, but usually you’ll see your current directory in the square brackets at the beginning of the line, such as

[gandalf458@something ~]$ ...
#                     ^ you are here
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Great. Thanks. I think I’ve got it now.

G :slight_smile:


Yeah, you should be running vagrant commands from within the project folder, and not from your home directory. That could be the problem. If you run them from inside a directory that doesn’t have a vagrant file in it, it’ll be confused about what vagrant machine you’re asking to vagrant up.

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Got it, thanks Jeff.

For security reasons, Posix/'nix does not allow the current path to be implicitly added to $PATH/%PATH% when specifying a file path. This can be dangerous when considering executable files. PowerShell removed this behavior.

Anyway, in either case - Windows Command Shell or a 'nix-like sh shell requires a fully qualified path to an executable file. It just so happens that the default Windows Command Shell implicitly provides the current path by trying to be a 'pal and prepending %CD% to %PATH% when you specify a non rooted or non relative (positional) path. Veteran Windows programmers will fondly recall ill side effects such as DLL Hell, Preloading Attacks, and others as a result of this helpful feature.

nix-like/posix shells avoid entire classes of bugs and security vulnerabilities by requiring the client provide the full path. Additionally these shells provide ‘.’, ‘~’, and ‘$PWD’ to allow one to reference the “current path” in a slightly more explicit/verbose manner.

‘.’ in posix environments refers to the current path, which is equivalent to “$PWD”.

‘.’ in windows command shell refers to the current path, which is equivalent to “%CD%”.

Some quick poc to help illustrate the concept (not meant as an example of good bash scripting):


# Get inode for a file "$f"
function get_inode {
    local f="$1"
    echo $(stat "$f" | egrep -io "(inode:) ([0-9]+)" | cut -d " " -f2)

# Check equality of two inodes $f1,$f2
function inodes_eq {
    local f1="$1"
    local f2="$2"

    (( $(get_inode "$f1") == $(get_inode "$f2") ))

    # Return 0 if equal, 1 otherwise
    echo "$?"
inodes_eq . $PWD

^ Should return/echo 0.

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