Fpdf adding new page on row limit reach

Kindly someone help me know how to limit sql rows to 1 and add a new fpdf page when the row limit is reached.
My code is here below.


  //declare data source///////


class PDF extends FPDF
// Page header
function Header()

include_once '../Connections/users.php';
// calendar picker
$term = $_POST['term'];

//$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT client FROM summary where client='$term'"); 
$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT daterec FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT recid FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT checkmate FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT fname FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT driver_name FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT client FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT sob_cat FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT location FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT time FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT description FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT action FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

$results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT learning FROM safety_obs where checkmate='$term' AND daterec BETWEEN'$a' AND '$b' ");

  // Logo
    // Arial bold 15
    // Move to the right
    // Title
	$this->Cell(20,5,'REF ID:',0,0,'C');$this->Cell(40,5,$sobrecid,1,0,'L');
	$this->Cell(20,5,'Reported By:',0,0,'C');$this->Cell(20,5,$sobsreportee,0,0,'L');
	$this->Cell(50,5,'Safety Observation Type:',0,0,'L');$this->Cell(50,5,$sobstype,0,0,'L');
	$this->Cell(50,5,'Location of Incident:',0,0,'L');$this->Cell(50,5,$sobslocation,0,0,'L');
	$this->Cell(50,5,'Time of Incident Happening:',0,0,'L');$this->Cell(50,5,$sobstime,0,0,'L');
	$this->Cell(50,5,'Incident Description:',0,0,'R');$this->multiCell(0,4,$sobsdescription,1);
$this->Cell(180,5,'"----------------------------PLAN FOR SAFETY--------------------------"',0,0,'C'); 

// Page footer
function Footer()
    // Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
	    // Title
	$this->Cell(150,10,'  CHECKPOINT OFFICES::',0,0,'C');   
   $this->Cell(180,10,'                Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,1,0,'C');
    // Arial italic 8
    // Page number
    $this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C');

// Instanciation of inherited class
$pdf = new PDF();

$suffx='::Safety Observation Report.pdf';

I know this isn’t what you asked, but is there a reason for all those separate queries? I’m struggling to see why you don’t just run one query to get all the rows that you require?

To limit results you can use the LIMIT keyword in your query, but as you only recover a single row from each query, then you’ve effectively limited it to a single result anyway.

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