Foreach Validation

I’m currently building an automated achievement/badge system and am wondering how i go about doing the validation so for example if i wanted to do it manually i would do this but as its in a foreach im unsure if i can do if statements and also wondering if there is a better way than the one im currently doing.


Manual Method:

<?php if( $data['user']['status'] == 1 ) : ?>
                                    <li class="list-inline-item"><img data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Pioneer" src="<?php echo FULL_ROOT;?>/uploads/badges/pioneer.png"></li>
                                <?php endif; ?>

Here is my database:

Here is my foreach:

<?php if($data['isBadges']) { foreach($data['badges'] as $badge) : ?>
   <li class="list-inline-item"><img data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="<?php echo $badge['name']; ?>" src="<?php echo FULL_ROOT;?>/uploads/badges/<?php echo $badge['image']; ?>"><?php echo $badge['name']; ?></li>
<?php endforeach; } else { ?>
  <p class="mb-0">No Badges Unlocked!</p>
<?php } ?>

Here is my controller code:

public function profile($user_id = '')
        $this->item = $this->model('Items');
        // Get data from model
        $sdata = $this->setting->getAll();
        // Check if empty
        if($user_id == '') { redirect(''); }
        // Get data from model
        $udata = $this->user->getUserByUsername($user_id);
       $getBadge = $this->user->getUserBadges();
        $pdata = $this->user->getUserProducts($udata['id']);
        if(is_array($pdata[0]) ) {
            $isProducts = true;
        } else {
            $isProducts = false;
                if(is_array($getBadge[0]) ) {
            $isBadge = true;
        } else {
            $isBadge = false;
        $data = array(
           "user" => $udata,
           "products" => $pdata,
           "isProducts" => $isProducts,
           "badges" => $getBadge,
           "isBadges" => $isBadge,
           "settings" => $sdata
        // Checks if no data found (404)
        if($udata == false) { redirect('error'); }
        // Load view
        $this->view('marketplace/user/profile', $data);     

Here is my model code:

    public function getUserBadges()
        $results = $this->db->select('msi_badges','status = 1');
        if(!is_array($results[0])) {
            $new_results = array();
            array_push($new_results, $results);
            return $new_results;
        } else {
            return $results;

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