Foreach need help?

$userIdList is an array that contains users ids!

I can’t make this foreach to loop though all of them! It only gets the first id?

foreach ($userIdList as $userId)        
$questions = BOL_UserService::getInstance()->getUserViewQuestions($userId);

if ( !empty($questions['data'][$userId]) )
            $data = array();
            $test= array();
            foreach ( $questions['data'][$userId] as $key => $value )
                if ( is_array($value) )
                    $questions['data'][$userId][$key] = implode(', ', $value);
                    $test[] = $questions['data'];

This seem to work but it duplicates all the results!

$test= array();            
foreach ($userIdList as $userId)        
$questions = BOL_UserService::getInstance()->getUserViewQuestions($userId);

if ( !empty($questions['data'][$userId]) )
            $data = array();

            foreach ( $questions['data'][$userId] as $key => $value )
                if ( is_array($value) )
                    $questions['data'][$userId][$key] = implode(', ', $value);
                    $test[] = $questions['data'];

Hard to comment without seeing what comes back in $questions.

Should the assignment to $test only occur if $value is an array, or should that line happen regardless, and the implode() only happen in that case?

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