For those just getting into DDD/TDD

I’m just curious, of those here who are just getting into DDD and TDD, how satisfied are you with the current example offerings on the inet today? Did looking at Kata or CodeCamp help you, or was their own architecture too wide-reaching to grasp? Did you understand Ayende, Evans and Polermo’s articles? Would a smaller-scale, simpler example be of use? Just curious because it relates to something I’m working on.

I am not satisfied at all. I am new to MVC 3 and i would want to learn more from DDD approach but it seem subjective a lot. There no good example that show many case scenario anywhere. Ive looked for about 2 week on the subject and i barely understand the concept of aggregate roots.

The main problem is that what you do with an aggregate root that get many deep level ? it doesnt make sens to call methods from the root for objects really inside and deep.

There are still scenario like this one that are still obscur to me. I personnaly would like to see something simple that cover maybe 2 or 3 scenario in that case. Something like a “barebone”.

I understand exactly where you are coming from. I too am an example person. I first started looking at these things almost two years ago, and have just recently come to terms with a lot of it. What I am considering doing is re-coding an existing personal application of mine, documenting it step by step, thought by thought, test by test, until done, on my blog. It wouldn’t just be a bunch of code though, but the thought processes used to come to the given conclusions. While I think most of it will be accurate, it would also give me a chance to learn something based on the comments I get on each step. Would you like to see something like this, as boring as it may be to sit through?

Why not i think many would thanks you seriously. The official .net blogs arent very good example there lots lacking stuff and those example are normally fast one to show a single concept. So the answer is definitivly yes.