Footer issue


I am having a little issue with my footer, I would like it to fill the full width of the window.

At the moment there is a little white space on either side.

I am currently in the midst of converting my site from a static site into a responsive design. I would like the footer to always fill the browser width and remain firmly on the bottom … in between the media queries with giving heights its getting a little tricky.

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi Zappa,

you haven’t set the left and right margins on your body to 0 which is why you see the Browser’s default CSS rules applied.

Just set the margin to 0.

body {
background: rgb(25,25,25) url("") repeat;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
font: 1em/1 "museo-slab", serif;
text-align: center;

ah of course, thanks!