Filter result of while loop

Hi, i’m trying only to show ticket_status = ‘Aperto’ inside a while loop. So far i’ve managed to do it using WHERE inside the database query and it is working but what if i don’t use it and try to select all ticket_status = ‘Aperto’ inside the while with a if else statement?

               $query_last_tickets = mysqli_prepare($conn, "SELECT ticket_id, ticket_subject, ticket_body, ticket_time_stamp, ticket_status FROM user_tickets WHERE ticket_user_id = ? AND ticket_status = 'Aperto' ");
               mysqli_stmt_bind_param($query_last_tickets, 'i', $user_id);
               mysqli_stmt_bind_result($query_last_tickets, $ticket_id, $ticketsubject, $ticketbody, $ticketdate, $ticketstatus);
               $ticketmsg = mysqli_stmt_num_rows($query_last_tickets);


                  <div class="col-lg-6 col-xs-12 col-sm-12">
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                                    <div class="caption">
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                                        <span class="caption-subject font-dark bold uppercase">Ultime segnalazioni guasti</span>
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                                        <li class="active">
                                            <a href="#portlet_comments_1" data-toggle="tab"> Aperte </a>
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     if ($ticketmsg > 0) {
                                          while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($query_last_tickets)) {

                                                      $new_ticket_date = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($ticketdate));
                                                      echo '

                                                      <div class="mt-comment">
                                                          <div class="mt-comment-img">
                                                              <img src="../assets/pages/media/users/avatar1.jpg" /> </div>
                                                          <div class="mt-comment-body">
                                                              <div class="mt-comment-info">
                                                                  <span class="mt-comment-author">'.$ticketsubject.'</span>
                                                                  <span class="mt-comment-date">Aperto il '.$new_ticket_date.'</span>
                                                              <div class="mt-comment-text">'.$ticketbody.'</div>
                                                              <div class="mt-comment-details">
                                                                  <span class="mt-comment-status mt-comment-status-approved">'.$ticketstatus.'</span>
                                                                  <ul class="mt-comment-actions">
                                                                          <a href="#">Visualizza</a>


                                 }  else{
                                    echo "no result";

if i try something like this, it doesn’t work. It does show the else echo as well :frowning:

               $query_last_tickets = mysqli_prepare($conn, "SELECT ticket_id, ticket_subject, ticket_body, ticket_time_stamp, ticket_status FROM user_tickets WHERE ticket_user_id = ? ");
               mysqli_stmt_bind_param($query_last_tickets, 'i', $user_id);
               mysqli_stmt_bind_result($query_last_tickets, $ticket_id, $ticketsubject, $ticketbody, $ticketdate, $ticketstatus);
               $ticketmsg = mysqli_stmt_num_rows($query_last_tickets);


                  <div class="col-lg-6 col-xs-12 col-sm-12">
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                                        <i class="icon-bubbles font-dark hide"></i>
                                        <span class="caption-subject font-dark bold uppercase">Ultime segnalazioni guasti</span>
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     if ($ticketmsg > 0) {
                                          while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($query_last_tickets)) {

if($ticketstatus == 'Aperto'){

                                                      $new_ticket_date = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($ticketdate));
                                                      echo '

                                                      <div class="mt-comment">
                                                          <div class="mt-comment-img">
                                                              <img src="../assets/pages/media/users/avatar1.jpg" /> </div>
                                                          <div class="mt-comment-body">
                                                              <div class="mt-comment-info">
                                                                  <span class="mt-comment-author">'.$ticketsubject.'</span>
                                                                  <span class="mt-comment-date">Aperto il '.$new_ticket_date.'</span>
                                                              <div class="mt-comment-text">'.$ticketbody.'</div>
                                                              <div class="mt-comment-details">
                                                                  <span class="mt-comment-status mt-comment-status-approved">'.$ticketstatus.'</span>
                                                                  <ul class="mt-comment-actions">
                                                                          <a href="#">Visualizza</a>

                                 } else{
                                    echo "no result";



You’re passing a status to your query, so only those that meet that criteria will show…

That being said, why are you using php when using the database approach is a much better method to use?

Hi Dave, thanks for your answer. I thought there would be another method to filter query results without using mysql, so i don’t have to run a database query twice if i need to filter two different results like ticket_status = ‘Open’ and ticket_status = ‘Closed’
But if you say “why are you using php when using the database approach is a much better method to use” then i’ll use two separate queries with different WHERE filter :wink:

You could do it that way, but you’ll need to change your original query to not include status, at which time you changed code will work.

The reason I say to let the database do the work is that the more records you have to process, the longer a “generic” approach is going to take. Just dealing with records that meet your criteria will be less hassle in the long run.

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