Fetch data from webmaster tools


i have read articles on sitepoint which describe how to fetch data from google analytics.

But is there any article which describe how to connect and fetch data from google webmaster tools with php ??

In the google docs there are articles showing how to fetch data with python and java but they dont have article on doing it with php.

any article or link would be helpfull ??


Is this what you’re talking about.

Hi oddz

yes that is what i am talking about

but if you see under the heading “Develop your client application” quick start guides

they have only python and java sample codes

they dont have sample code for php ??

i need to do it with php


you should have a look at Google Client Library for PHP, from there the steps may be similar to java/python

Hi chorn

i m reading docs in “google client library for php” but still no success ??

can i use same “google service account” email address that i used for google analytics with google webmaster tools ??

or i have to again create a new “google service account” email address to authenticate webmaster tools ??


hi all

i searched on google and found this class for extracting data from webmaster tools


but everytime i run this code i get error dialog

error dialog is attached

I dont know what the problem is with the class ?/

Can anyone tell me how can i use this code directly without creating a class ??


have a look at your logfiles and did you git clone the google-api-php-client as mentioned in the tutorial?

Hi chorn

I downloaded the api client folder from git

but i dont know how to git clone it ??

can you tell me ??

I am using xampp


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