Feedback on Web Design

I have a website for my business here
I would love some feedback mainly on the overall look of the website but would appreciate any other feedback you have.

Is there anything I can do to make the overall design look more professional?

I think the design is bland and uninspiring. It looks like a standard cheap cookie cutter website. It doesn’t appear to be mobile friendly considering several of the elements are being cut off on my phone screen. Overall it just looks no care really went into the sites information architecture or design. It all just kind of looks thrown together as quick as possible. For me it wouldn’t inspire any confidence in using your business in terms of the website itself.

Hi there jplesic! I looked at the site. The first thing you could do to make it look more professional is pick only two fonts max. I found Verdana, Rokitt, and Book Antigua on the home page, as well as the logo fonts. Too many font mashups make the page look random. You could declare a basic body font and cascade it down from there. Define your header fonts and paragraph fonts. Many designers pick a font family that has lots of weights available so only one font is needed for all the header levels and paragraphs.
The second thing you could do to make it look more professional is choose more updated icons for your row with three columns: About, FAQ and Contact. The three that are there look like they don’t belong together. You could use FontAwesome or Glyphicon, and then you don’t need to worry about images stretching. Good luck!


In addition to the previous comments, one thing that stood out straight away and really grates is the alignment of the strap-line "We make selling your land quick and simple! ", it being aligned left while the rest of the content is centred, it just looks odd.

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Set a minimum height on the element that contains your page content to about 500px or like 60vh so your page is not shorter than a standard browser. I’m using 1080p and your about page is shorter. Or add more content. If you have a responsive full-span website empty space like that isn’t really acceptable.

There is nothing on the site to say where you are located. In some countries, it is a legal requirement to display a physical address if you are using a site for trading, but even where it is not, I would say you should do so anyway. I would not do business with a company without knowing exactly who they were and where they were based - especially not for a large transaction. Likewise, I’d expect to find TOS on the site.

Are you willing to buy land worldwide, or only in a specific country/area? If the latter, then you need to make it clear. If the former, then again, information regarding the currency for the transaction needs to be shown.

Thank you for the feedback. Do you think there is anything I can do to improve it without completely redesigning with a new theme?

I am buying land only in the united states. I do mention buying land “nationwide” in one of the sliders but I suppose I should specify which nation. Thanks for the feedback!

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I do plan to add more content to the about us page as I believe it is severely lacking and needs completely redone. Is that the only page you noticed the issue?

Yes, but if you just add a min-height property to our stylesheets for that element it should fix all of your pages.

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