Feedback on this UI design please

Hello, OK these are two UI designs for a book an appointment system. There are some more screens but here I am only showing two.

Feedback on this UI design please.

Thank you.

no feedback? is it looking ugly? lol…

It’s the weekend, and it was only two hours since you posted your question. Please have a little patience.

You might have more chance of getting “feedback” if you explain exactly what it is you’re asking. I see two very similar designs. Are you asking purely about the green bar, which is the only obvious difference, or something else?

The clearer your explanation of what you want, the more likely it is that you’ll get a helpful response.

Just a general feedback about the look and feel.

Now the images don’t seem to be loading at all, for me

Looks af if they were links to dropbox, rather than images uploaded here.

If you still require feedback, @littlebirdy, please upload the images in this topic; it’s generally safer that way.

check now :slight_smile:

check now

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