Feedback on first website

This is my first website project. I would like get some feedback on the overall look and usability of the site from people with experience. I used a drop and drag template from godaddy. The goal is to get users to setup an appointment. How well do feel I have done. Any advise you could give on how to Improve the home page layout, should I keep the single page or break it up into pages? I like the colors the client has chosen because the other sites I saw had really no color. I don’t feel like it grabs the users attention as much as we want. I feel like a good graphic logo is needed somewhere on the page.

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It looks good perhaps add a button beneath the auto salon on the car picture a button that says set up an appointment now that can link them to a way to contact you on making an appointment that my idea to add onto this website but it looks great i also think a nice slideshow would capture their attention

Thanks for the advise. I have call-to-action button that comes up as you continue to scroll.

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As for me the site in overall is okay, but maybe you should to do better work with images (at least to make the images the same style and pattern).

thanks for the suggestion. I will work on creating a consistent style for the images you suggested. thanks!

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